Roller blinds as privacy screens: your bathroom deserves

Roller blinds are a classic for internal privacy and sun protection. Probably the simplest variants are chain or side roller blinds. There is a plastic or metal operating chain on the left or right side of the roller blind, through which the roller blind can be pulled up and down. The side roller blinds will be installed before the center position on the wall or directly on the window sash. The latter can also be fixed to the window frame by means of plastic windows with so-called clamp supports. In this case, the roller blind does not need to be drilled or tightened.

 roller blind in the bathroom

A very popular variant on UNITEC is the automatic roller blind. The blind can be automatically pushed up/down from both sides, and it can be operated with only a button or remote control! Imagine if you need to take a shower in the bathroom, you only need a button to drop the roller blind to protect your privacy and block some harmful light. This is very advanced and convenient!


At the same time, the mini cassette blind is an interesting choice, especially the plastic window in the bathroom. They can also be clamped or glued, thin wire and easy to maintain. Unlike ordinary classic roller blinds, mini cassette roller blinds cannot be pulled up or down from both sides (top/bottom).

 roller blinds

 Of course, double roller blinds should not be missing from this list. They have the characteristics of blinds, but are composed of two different types of roller blind fabrics. UNITEC also offers double roller blinds in a variety of designs. Mini double roller blinds that can be glued on a glass plate for assembly are very popular.


The choice of roller blind fabric is very wide. Here, please also make sure to choose at least one translucent roller blind fabric, which can be wiped with a damp cloth.


Customized roller blinds as privacy protection in the bathroom: more light and better hand feeling

UNITEC can provide various designs of indoor blinds. Basically, the advantage of custom-made roller blinds is that the slats can be adjusted and the daylight can be adjusted. Due to the curved surface of the slats, you can adjust the position to achieve a privacy screen, but there is still a lot of daylight shining into the bathroom through the slats. This allows you to maintain a friendly and bright personality in the room during the day, but your privacy is still protected.


There is an aluminum roller blind with 16 mm or 25 mm wide aluminum slats. It is a very concise and clear version of the privacy screen. The aluminum roller blind can be clamped to the window frame without drilling or tightening or screwing. Into the glass support bars. The latter reflects the characteristics of customization to the greatest extent. Because in this case, aluminum roller blinds are installed between the glass support bars of the window with millimeter precision.


Wooden roller blinds are mainly made of natural and rapidly renewable raw materials. Unlike blinds made of aluminum, wooden roller blinds are very suitable for use as a bathroom anti-theft screen, because wooden roller blinds are enamel-treated and can retain their shape for many years even in a humid room.

 roller blinds

Last but not least, we must mention blackout roller blinds. As the name suggests, this is a roller blind with 100% blackout effect. Similar to the plain weave roller blind, the blackout roller blind is also a very suitable choice for the bathroom, because it can completely block the external light and danger!


By the way, we are happy to send samples to you for free viewing. Please use the following order form to request fabric samples. If you have any questions about the privacy screen in the bathroom, please feel free to contact us. You can contact us by email at any time.

Post time: Mar-15-2021


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